What is the EBL WG?
Mobile PC Extended Battery Life (EBL) Working Group (WG) is the industry organization focusing on the achievement of all-day battery life in mobile PC platforms.

What is the purpose of the EBL WG?
The purpose of the EBL WG is to identify and overcome the common challenges to all-day battery life on a single charge.

What are the key deliverables of the EBL WG?
The main deliverables of the EBL WG include:
•  Publish and proliferate power- and battery-centric usage models to the benchmark developers
•  Develop and publish guidelines on Battery Life metric usage
•  Develop and publish power measurement and power-saving guidelines to the suppliers of components and subsystems for the mobile PC
•  Ensure adequate eco system and regulatory support for new mobile platform power sources

How will the mobile PC industry benefit from the EBL WG?
The EBL WG will deliver to the industry guidelines to overcome common challenges in achieving all-day battery life. It will deliver the guidelines for realistic battery-life measurements. It will also provide the guidance to suppliers for the notebook component and subsystem power savings.

What are EBL WG's plans for the inclusion of notebook industry suppliers in the membership?
The Mobile PC Extended Battery Life (EBL) Working Group has received numerous inquiries from the suppliers of notebook components and power-management technologies asking about the requirements for the participation in the group. We appreciate the interest and will work with these suppliers as the need arises. The working group is presently comprised of Intel, Microsoft and mobile PC design and manufacturing companies. These companies have technical expertise in notebook design and understanding of the components that consume and manage power including: the screen, graphics, hard disk drives, the operating system, the microprocessor and chipset, as well as wireless devices. Currently, the group has decided that it will focus on the limited number of issues and challenges common to the industry. These issues will not involve the sharing of intellectual property and will not promote a particular solution implementation. To reach the goal of achieving all-day battery life, in the future the group will decide what other participants, if any, need to be included to achieve the working group's goals.

When will the guidelines be available from the EBL WG?
The EBL working group will initially focus on the usage-model research and guidance to the display subsystem suppliers.

Who can join the EBL WG?
Currently, the EBL WG is open to notebook computer designers and manufacturers. As the need is identified, the group will be open to the suppliers to the notebook manufacturers.

Who do I contact for more information regarding the EBL WG?
The EBL WG can be contacted using this website's CONTACT page.

Who are the current members of the working group?
The current membership is listed on this website's MEMBERSHIP page.

Are there documents that I can review to understand the goals & deliverables of the EBL WG?
The EBL WG's public documents are available at the documents page of this web site.

I have a suggestion for the EBL WG. Who should I contact?
The EBL WG can be contacted using this website's CONTACT page.

I need some background information on the EBL WG. Where can I find it?
If additional information is needed, the EBL WG can be contacted using this website's CONTACT page.